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"On the Interests of the Tbilisi State University" - Interview to the "Mteli Kvira," November 17, 2014. (In Georgian.)
Interview to the "Akhali Ekonomisti," No. 2 (33), 2014.(In Georgian.)
"On the professors of TSU" - Interview to the "Saqartvelos Respublika," July 3, 2014. (In Georgian.)
"On the Tbilisi State University" - Interview, May 4, 2014. (In Georgian.)
"On the Rector of TSU" - Tbilisskaja nedelja, February 26, 2014. (In Russian.)
"On the Subsidies at TSU" - Interview to the "Rezonansi," January 22, 2014. (In Georgian.)
"On 2014: Economy, Education and Sciences in Georgia" - "Msophlio 2014." (In Georgian.)