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"On the Electricity Tariff, the 2021 National Budget and the Economic Crisis Caused by the Pandemic", - TV Palitra, December 29, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Why did the Prime Minister Activate the Topic of Privatization?", - 2020 News, December 28, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"The Key to Ending the Crisis does not Lie in the Economy, it is in Medicine", - Fortuna, December 23, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"The Larization Program should be Stopped Immediately", - Fortuna, December 23, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"The Main Criterion of Optimality is not to Increase Human Mortality and the Number of Infected", - InterPressNews, December 23, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"One Should Not Act According to the Desired Scenario of Moscow", - InterPressNews, December 14, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Without These Sectors, the Country can Never Develop ...", Kviris Palitra, December 07, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Constraints and the Coronavirus Hostage Economy", - Public Broadcaster, November 30, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Until Medicine Defeats the Coronavirus, the Economy will Remain Hostage to Medicine", - InterPressNews, November 27, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Opposition Parties should Take into Account the Position of Voters and Western Partners and Enter Parliament", - PTN, November 22, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"The Impact of Extraordinary Elections on the Country Economy", - PRIMETIME.GE, November 22, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"US Secretary of State's Visit to Georgia", - Radio Imedi, November 19, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"To Ease the Political Crisis in Georgia",
Part I,
Part II,
Part III,
- TV Palitra, November 09, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Protest Action and Political Situation in Georgia", Palitra, November 08, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Fall of the GEL Exchange Rate", - TV Palitra, November 05, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"The Challenge for the Government is to Transform the Country from a Consumer to a Productive nation", - Commersant, November 01, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Following the First Results of the 2020 Parliamentary Elections in Georgia", - TV Palitra, October 31, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"2020 Parliamentary Elections in Georgia, GEL Exchange Rate and Pre-Election Programs of Political Parties", - TV Palitra, October 30, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"What the Lari Needs is not a Lari Problem!", - Qronika+, October 9, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Lado Papava Welcomes the Development of IT Fields", - The Georgian Times, October 8, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"In the Georgian Economy, a GEL-Like Reform has not Yet Taken Place", - The Georgian Times, October 2, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"GEL is the Healthy Component in the Georgian Economy", - The Georgian Times, October 2, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Current Economic Situation in Georgia", - Radio Commersant, September 29, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Vaccination and Disinformation", -, September 25, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Coronomic Crisis and Economic Programs of Political Parties", Radio Georgian Times, September 21, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Georgian Economy Under the Pandemic", - Radio Imedi, September 3, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"I Have a Strong Feeling that the "Georgian Dream", Even in a Coalition Format, will Retain the Ability to Form a Government", - InterPressNews, August 29, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Inflation in Georgia", - TV Palitra, August 04, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Post-Pandemic Economic Development of Georgia", - Radio Georgian Times, July 27, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Georgian Government and Frontera", - InterPressNews, July 24, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"We are Lucky that Giorgi Gakharia was the Head of the Government in a Critical Situation", - Qronika+, July 18, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Unconventional Economics", - Radio Imedi, July 06, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Managers Have No Place in Government", - InterPressNews, June 30, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Pos-Crisis Economic Challenges of Georgia", - TV Obieqtivi, May 30, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Positive Political Agenda", InterPressNews, May 31, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Tost-Crisis Economic Strategy of Georgia", - TV Palitra, May 28, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Real Sector of Economy of Georgia", - TV Sazogadoebribi Mautsyebloba, May 18, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Economic Challenges of Georgia", - TV Palitra, May 15, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the NBG and GEL", - COMMERSANT, May 14, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Post-Crisis Measures of the Georgian Government: Tourism or Agriculture", - InterPressNews, May 08, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Georgian Government Anti-Crisis Plan", - Radio NOR, May 05, 2020. (In Russian.)
"How to Deal with the Economic Challenges Posed by the New Coronavirus Pandemic?", - Radio Marneuli, May 06, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Is Georgia Ready to Receive Companies from China?", - IPRESS, May 04, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Budgetary Financing of State Universities in Georgia", - IPRESS, May 04, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Governmental Steps of Unblocking of Georgian Economy", - IPRESS, May 04, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Aspects of the Anti-Crisis Plan of Georgia", - Radio Mozaika, April 27, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"How to Improve the Economic Situation in Georgia", - TV Obieqtivi, April 25, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Governmental Plan for Overcoming from Crisis in Georgia", - InterPressNews, April 25, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Anti-Crisis Program of Georgia (full version)", - TV Palitra, April 24, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Level of Inflation and the Pensions in Georgia", - 2020 News, April 24, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Anti-Crisis Program of Georgia", - TV Palitra, April 24, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Online Conference: Coronavirus vs Aviation, Challenges and Opportunities", - Georgian Aviation University, April 23, 2020. (In Georgian.)
" What is Coronomics and how to Deal with it in Georgia?", - Radio Imedi, April 17, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Governmental Assistance to the Population and Business in Georgia", - TV Palitra, April 15, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"We can Defeat the Coronavirus. But what about Hunger and Poverty?", - Rezonansi, April 12, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"How to Avoid High Inflation in Georgia", - Qronika+, April 08, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Why Economic Forecasts are not Currently Working", - TV Palitra, April 11, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Consequences of the Wrong Economic Policy in Georgia", - TV Kavkasia, April 11, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Online Conference on the Economic Consequences of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Georgia", - BSU, April 09, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Economic Crisis in Georgia", - Alt-Info, April 08, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Current Economic Problems of Georgia", - Radio NOR, April 07, 2020. (In Russian.)
"On the Post-Crisis Program of Georgia", - Radio Mosaic, April 08, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Georgia should Attract Maximum Financial Resources from International Institutions for Economic Rehabilitation", - Caucasus Business Week, April 06, 2020.
"On the Coronomic Crises in Georgia", - Radio Dzveli Kalaki, April 03, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Post-Crisis Expectations in Georgia", - Tbilisi University Newspaper, April 03, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"The Current Situation with GEL", - InterPressNews, March 25, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Coronomics and Challenges for Georgia", -, March 21, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Reaction of Georgia's Government on the Coronomic Crises", - TV Obieqtivi, March 18, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Moscow’s ‘Political Trap’ For Georgia", -, March 16, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the New Term - Coronomics", - bpn, March 14, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"Economy Hostage of Medicine", - InterPressNews, March 14, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Food Reserves in Georgia", - bpn, March 14, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Economic Program of the Georgian Government", - InterPressNews, March 13, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"World Economy and Georgia under the Coronavirus", - Radio Imedi, March 12, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Economic Impact of the Coronavirus", - TV Obieqtivi, February 29, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Russian Factor in Coming Parliamentarian Elections in Georgia", - TV Pirveli, February 22, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Russia's Political Interest in Georgia", - InterPressNews, February 22, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the System of the Education and Science of Georgia", - TV Obieqtivi, February 15, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Poverty and Social Policy in Georgia", - TV Kavkasia, February 03, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Anaklia Deep Sea Port", - InterPressNews, January 03, 2020. (In Georgian.)
"On the Inflation Targeting in Georgia", - InterPressNews, January 03, 2020. (In Georgian.)