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"On the State Service of the Audit in Georgia." - "Auditi, Aghrickhva, Phinansebi," # 12, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Baron Munchausen’s Effect" - Interview to "Bankebi da Phinansebi", December 31, 2012. (In Russian.)
"Saakashvili as a Political Phenomenon has to be Finished." - Interview to the "," December 28, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Michael Resident Engineer." - Interview to the "Khvela Siakhle," December 26 - January 2, 2012-2013. (In Georgian.)
"Georgia, Russia and the WTO." - Interview to the "Tbiliselebi," December 24-30, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Crime of the UNM's Government in Georgia."- Interview to the "InterPressNews," December 20, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Salary Trap in Georgia." - Interview to the "Kviris Qronika," December 17-23, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Russia's Interests in Georgian Economy" - Interview to "New Caucasus", December 2, 2012. (In Russian.)
"Will Saakashvili let Lari go down and can Ivanishvili catch it up?" - Interview to "", November 27, 2012. (In English.)
"On the GEL Depreciation" - Interview to "", November 27, 2012. (In Russian.)
"Saakashvilism not Disappear" - Interview to "", November 28, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the GEL Depreciation" - Interview to "", November 27, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Social Package on the New Government of Georgia." - Interview to the "Tbiliselebi," November 19-25, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Budgetary Expectations in Georgia." - Interview to the "Komsomol'skaya Pravda v Gruzii," November 15-22, 2012. (In Russian.)
"Georgian Economy is Under the Chronic Disease" - Interview to "Bankebi da Phinansebi", November 14, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Pension in Georgia will be 150 GEL" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," November 13, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Money Lost the Elections in Georgia" - Interview to "The Analyticon", October, 2012. (In Russian.) (In Armenian)
"Foreign Debt Ratio to the Export is is Dangerous in Georgia" - Interview to the "Kvela Siakhle," November 7-13, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"It will be mistake, if Ivanishvili will Give Pensions from his Own Pocket" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," November 6, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Interview to the Qronika" - October 29 - November 5, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Georgian Economy Needs Recovery" - Interview to the "InterPressNews," October 25, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Saakashvili Wants the Revenge" - Interview to the "Kviris Palitra", October 15-21, 2012. (In Russian.)
"On the Inflation in Georgian Economy" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," October 12, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Money Lost the Elections" - Interview to the "Rezonansi," October 11, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Georgia's Way to Nowhere" - Interview to the "RBK", October, 2012. (In Russian.)
"The Opposition is Still not Control the Authority" - Interview to the "", October 8, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"The New Parliament will not be the Notary of the Government" - Interview to the "Khvela Siakhlei," October 3-9, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Georgia, Russia, and the WTO" - Interview to the "Tbiliselebi," September 10-16, 2012. (In Georgian.)
TV Interview -, September 5, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"After Elections the Increasing Bread Prices is Unavoidable" - Interview to the "Khvela Siakhlei," September 5-11, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Voucher System in Georgian Reality" - Interview to the "Khvela Siakhlei," August 8-14, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Collusion between National Movement and the Kremlin" - Interview to the "Asaval-Dasavali," August 6-12, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"The Kremlin and Georgia - Collusion or Illusion?" - "Liberali," August 2, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Georgian State Minister for Employment" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," July 27, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Financial Aid to Aggrieved Persons" - Interview to "," July 21, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On Bidzina Ivanishvili in Georgian Politics" - Interview to the "Saerto Gazeti", July 18-24, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the New Program of the Government" - Interview to "Liberali," July 11, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the New Government of Georgia" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba", July 10, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the New Prime- Minister of Georgia" - Interview to the "Kviris Qronika", July 9-15, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Minimum Subsistence Level in Georgia" - Interview to the "Kvela Siakhle", June 27-July 3, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"What was Promised by the President Saakashvili on the Special Industrial Zone of Poti" - Interview to the "Rezonansi", June 21, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Saakashvili as a Modern Nikita Khrushchov" - Interview to the "Asaval-Dasavali", June 18-24, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Democracy: a Goal or a Merely a Commitment for the West?" - "Sakartvelos Respublika," May 31, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"From Devaluation of the Authority to the Economic Armageddon" - Interview to the "Saqartvelo da Msophlio", May 30 - June 5, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Parade of the Absurdity" - "Sakartvelos Respublika," May 30, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Selling of Georgian Railway" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," May 28, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Financial Pyramids in Georgia" - "Komsomol'skaia Pravda v Gruzii", May 25-31, 2012. (In Russian.)
"On the Law on Banking System" - Auditi, Aghritskhva, Phinansebi, No. 4, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Moving the Parliament to Kutaisi and Economic Growth in Georgian Railway" - InterPressNews, May 26, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Saakashvili as a Russian Project" - Interview to "Kviris Palitra," May 21, 2012. (In Georgian.)
TV Interview - Palitra TV, May 17, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Privatization Georgian Railway" - InterPressNews, May 17, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Remittances and Afro-Georgians" - Interview to the "Khvela Siakhle," May 9-15, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Receipt's Lottery in Georgia" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," April 24, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Bankruptcy Frees Companies of All Debt" - Democracy & Freedom Watch, April 21, 2012.
"It is Good when the Government Criticize the Embassies" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," April 14-15, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Soap Opera in Georgian Government" - Interview to the "Khvela Siakhle", March 28 - April 3, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Problems of the Georgian Government before and after Elections" - Interview to the "Kviris Palitra", March 26 - April 1, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Lado Papava: On the Involvement of Georgia in the Russian Empire" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," March 15, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Economic Future of Georgia" - Interview to the, March 6, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"President Saakashvili's Promises on the Social Insurance" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba", March 5, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"How Realistic are President Saakashvili's Promises" - Interview to the, March 2, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the National Bank of Georgia as a Bank Gendarmery" - Interview to the "Bankebi da Phinansebi", February 29 - March 6, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Role of the President Saakashvili in the Process of Realization of Russian Imperial Goals" -, March 1, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Lado Papava on the Russian Investments in Georga" -, February 29, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Opposition has to be Ready for the Protest Actions" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," February 13, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"The Country of Inflation, Agflation and Re-Exports" - Interview to the "Khvela Siakhle," 8-14 February, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"President Saakashvili has to got Round the UA" - Interview to the "Akhali Taoba," February 7, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"On the Political Future of President Saakashvili" - Interview to the "Asaval-Dasavali," February 6-12, 2012. (In Georgian.)
"Saakashvili Can Be Overpowered by Saakashvili" - Interview to the "Kviris Palitra", January 2-8, 2012. (In Georgian.)